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Psalm O come, let us united family that is focused of churches that believe in the virgin birth, death, resurrection. Ask ye of the Lord rain in time of the latter rain; so the true practice of worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth.

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Join us at Church of the Latter Rain for spirit-led worship services | Experience the power of worship with our unified band. This group was created by The Church of the Latter Rain for anyone interested in learning the truth of the Word of God. Login to Facebook and go to the group. (You can also go to and click the COTLR Family Group button from the Online Resources page). 2. Click the.
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We do not have a formal membership to join the church. We only receive 1 offering per service and people give after the dictates of their own heart. Instead of a program, we depend on the Holy Ghost throughout our services as we worship and minister the Word of God. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls.