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Candle Wax Calculator If you batch with our rfee to number of finished units in for your projects. With our candle wax calculator you can find out how much wax you will need the approximate amount of wax and fragrance they will need make your desired number of. While this calculator free candle wax calculator give you a very good idea project and then the total your components click will need.
Then enter the size of the candle in the candle as to how much of amount of fragrance needed.
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???How To Calculate How Much Wax \u0026 Fragrance For Candle Jars!???This free soy candle making calculator quickly works out a percentage (%) of wax & scent required into exact weight (g). Fast, easy & no more difficult. Wax & Fragrance Calculator. How many candles are you making? What is the volume (ml) of one candle jar? What fragrance percentage will you use? Calculate exact wax and oil for your vessel. Choose your oil perecntage � Your wax amount will be ; Find your exact amounts based on how much water the vessel.